Hi,My Name is Lynda Schloss

Welcome, and thank you so much for visiting my website. Here I bring you inspiration and ideas to help make your millinery dreams come alive.

Over thirty years ago I fell in love with creating and wearing hats. Now, I bring you an outstanding range of products that you can use to create your own amazing designs. I have sourced some exciting products that are exclusive. They are part of the vintage range. I have some amazing seconds in that range that you should look at too, they are brilliant. I love experimenting with what I can do with them.

Let me inspire you. Let me help make your hat creations become reality.

Feel free to contact me, join me on social media, and sign up for tips and tricks and my monthly newsletter.

Be inspired and have fun creating, Lynda

Millinery Supplies

Lynda’s product range is updated and added to constantly, explore the collections let us know what has caught your attention. 

Dream Millinery
Create your masterpiece
Wear it
Look & feel wow!